bltadwin.ru › en-us › Commands-in-Depth. There are applications like loleditor that let you move your spawn point, or your player location. There are server wrappers that have this feature as well. bltadwin.ru › watch. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command. Once the cheat has been entered, the spawnpoint for the Minecraft world will be changed to the new coordinates. In this example, the new world spawnpoint will be at . · How do you use the spawn point command? When you sleep in a bed at night, you will reset your spawn point. You can sleep in multiple beds but the last bed that you slept in before you die is where you will respawn. Use the /spawnpoint command. This command allows you to quickly set your spawnpoint with a game command (ie: cheat). To reset your spawn point to your current location in Minecraft Xbox One Edition: /spawnpoint. To reset the spawn point for DigMinecraft to the XYZ coordinates (8, 65, ): /spawnpoint DigMinecraft 8 65 To reset the spawn point for all players to a relative position (that is 12 blocks upwards from the current position): /spawnpoint @r ~ ~12 ~.